Saturday, October 08, 2005

Incident ahead

subwaysoc8, originally uploaded by Rotill.

The Xs on the picture above shows where the lines stop running today: all around 57th street, where there is a power loss.

On 36th street both the N and the R trains were standing still. People walked confused back and forth on the platform, not knowing what to do. The loudspeakers, magically understandable, announced that all lines were closed due to police investigations at 57th street. The exitement rose. The buzz rose. How long would we stay here? where to go? And then the loudspeakers announced the trains could leave: but where to get in? Was it safe? Should they leave for the bus?

At least, after 15 minutes of human confusion in intense heat, the trains were moving again. But this time the R train was running along the F-line, and I had the pleasure of spending the nest 45 minutes figuring out where to get out, which train to get on to get back, and then what.

Well, just to make sure I had a real transit experience, New York has the worst weather since I arrived today, so I am not late and soaked. Miraculously I have found a seat at a packed SOP conference though, so I guess I should just get on with it and tell the you all the real things that's going on.

The weather did not cooperate with the poor re-routed users of the subway.

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